Sunday, 5 June 2011

Of stage fright and portraiture...


Stage fright Is Good and Makes You Better Looking Too!
Before you learn how to deliver your lines, it is important to be ready to deliver your lines.
For me the same applies in photography! If your portrait is going to be taken, get ready for your close-up and remember it is a good thing 'to not like to be photographed', lol!
Most people 'freeze' as soon as they feel the lens aimed at them...
It is so nice, the odd occasion that someone does NOT say 'I do not like to be photographed'.
It is also the responsibility of the photographer to put your subject at ease, give them time to adjust, have a chat, explain, talk about different possibilities, keep asking if a 'pose' feels natural, comfortable... if not, start again, otherwise you WILL see it in the image!
Stage fright is a phenomenon that you must learn to control.
Actually, stage fright isn't the most accurate term for the nervousness that occurs when considering a speaking engagement. In fact, most of the fear occurs before you step on-stage. Once you're up there, it usually goes away. Try to think of stage fright in a positive way. Fear is your friend. It makes your reflexes sharper. It heightens your energy, adds a sparkle to your eye, and color to your cheeks. When you are nervous about speaking (or posing) you are more conscious of your posture and breathing. With all those good side effects you will actually look healthier and more physically attractive...
( parts used from

I don't talk to flowers, they talk to me and I gladly listen!

This Golden tulip seemed OOUHH LA LA, so FLUSTERED... in a studio? Being portrayed, MOI???

For years I 'experimented' in the studio, to get that Flemish painter's light? Well, I was born in Flanders, it must be in my blood? LOL.

A NEW TREAT HERE, a second choice of some of my images:

Lead and enjoy a good life, do and say things that enrich... and do not forget to tell the people close to you,  how much you love them!
With love to you and thank you for ALL your faves and comments, M, (* _ *)

IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN (BY LAW!!!) TO USE ANY OF MY image or TEXT on websites, blogs or any other media without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved

I  find my images on numerous blogs and websites EVERY DAY, without my permission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ashlee said...

I was wondering if you might share some of your photography practice. I love the light, detail and emotions of all of your flower photographs. I'm curious about what lens you choose and so on..

minjae said...

Hi! your work is so gorgeous!!! I would like to e-mail to you, but i couldn't find yours. Could i use some of your photo that includes flowers? Not commercially!! Plz e-mail to me.