Thursday 19 April 2007



All things are transitory, existing only briefly…

Some things last longer than others…

I walk on that same beach where my forefathers walked before me,

their prints long gone, softly effaced by the waves…

I walked on this beach with my dog, my heel had left a print, no need to tell you where HE was…

I saw it as I turned around and it struck me…ephemeral…

The spoors have disappeared , my wonderful dog is no more, time has flown by…

I eternalized the moment, now it is not completely gone, there is a wonderful reminder of that happy time on the beach…

A bit of a blue day today,it happens... thanx, and all the best, M, (*_*)

1 comment:

James said...

We all have days like that, Magda. Try not to let it get you too down. Surround yourself with the people and the things that you love and you'll soon feel better... ;o)